Thankfulness: Choosing To Look Beyond Circumstances

Thanksgiving gives opportunity to pause, think for a moment about all that we have… And give thanks. But, let’s be honest, this is always easy. When Paul exhorts us to “Give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you,” we sometimes want to respond back, “But what about…?” Because life is hard. Suffering comes. The pain is real. And then what? How do we give thanks in THESE circumstances?

Spiritual Fruit: Fake or Real?

The tiny hand of my gardener in training slowly opens to reveal her treasure… And with it comes a revelation… The heart of a believer should be marked by certain qualities, “fruits of the Spirit” as the Apostle Paul puts it. But what happens when we go after the fruit instead of the Spirit? Is there a such thing as artificial fruit in the life of faith? If so, what’s the difference between that and the real deal?

Happy Birthday Beanie Girl!

What?! How did THAT happen? Our baby girl is SIX?!6  And there’s nothing like bringing home a newborn to reflect how much your older children have grown up!All of a sudden her hands seem huge, her legs seem way too long and skinny to be holding up the rest of her body, and those eyes… […]

Holiday Cheer, Tidings of Joy, etc. etc. etc.

You know it’s coming right..   “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”  Aren’t you excited?!  I mean who doesn’t love hours upon hours of cooking and baking for holiday parties and festive gatherings, and then soaking their hands in dishwater all evening long while cleaning up afterwards? I know every mom is anxious to put […]

Our Nya Joy Turns 6

“We are a third of the way through raising her…” These were my bittersweet words to Ty this past Friday, December 28th, when our “little bug” turned 6.   Nya has been a gift to us in more ways than we have time to explain in a simple blog post. She is smart, witty, humorous, […]

It’s “Snowy Time” … or maybe not…

Nya and Elli have always referred to winter as “snowy time”…  there are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Snowy Time! While Michigan has been a little confusing in that way for them (and a little disappointing for my snow-loving husband), I AM NOT complaining! I am the outcast of the family in this way. […]

The Greatest Day In History

“The greatest day in history, death is beaten, you have rescued me. Shout it out – Jesus is alive!” These are the opening lyrics from one of my latest favorite songs “Happy Day”, and they’re still resounding in my head after leading worship on Easter Sunday. Personally, Easter is my favorite holiday. On Good Friday […]

Burning The Midnight Oil

I think I’m starting to understand the true meaning of the statement “Momma burns the midnight oil”. There was an old song with that title and somehow from listening to it I got the impression that “momma burning the midnight oil” went something like this. Momma tucks her beautiful children into bed, turns out the […]

Private Party

Last night was our annual church Christmas party and we didn’t go…  We weren’t avoiding the sublime snacks, congenial company, or fabulous fun.  It’s just not exactly easy when your cheeky children’s normal nannies are also participating in the party.  That conundrum coupled with twelve toilsome hours of work on top of five fruitless hours of sleep […]