Happy Birthday To Our Firstborn!

Our firstborn turned 10 yesterday! Any parent who’s been blessed with a strong-willed child knows that these are the kids that keep you on your knees. They make you humble – reliant on God’s grace – and keep you begging for wisdom. And while this doesn’t make parenting easy, it does make it incredibly rewarding when you see the fruit that comes from sewing good seed into their hearts.

Happy Birthday To Our BOY!

Tears began to swell as I looked up at the monitor and discovered that WITHOUT A DOUBT I was going to have a… BOY. I tried to hide my emotion because I didn’t want the girls to wonder why Mommy was crying. But, my oldest daughter – who’s very tuned into her Momma – noticed […]

Happy Birthday Beanie Girl!

What?! How did THAT happen? Our baby girl is SIX?!6  And there’s nothing like bringing home a newborn to reflect how much your older children have grown up!All of a sudden her hands seem huge, her legs seem way too long and skinny to be holding up the rest of her body, and those eyes… […]