The Day In Between

Good Friday.We take a day to reflect and honor what Christ endured on the cross.His suffering, His death. Resurrection Sunday.We celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead. But what about that day in between? Saturday.What was going on that day? Journey with me for a second… back in time…about 2000 years ago. Generations had longed […]

The Great Paradox

It’s scandalous. It’s mind-boggling. It’s completely backwards. It doesn’t make sense. …until it does. No, I am not talking about this. Because we all agree the dress is ivory and gold…  …I mean purple and brown…  I mean blue and black. No, I’m talking about the dress. I’m talking about THIS. God’s word. Enduring forever. […]

It’s Not Fair

“No fair…”  they whine. “That’s NOT fair.”  They declare. “IT’S NOT FAIR!” They exclaim with gritted teeth stomping down the hall. Fairness.  What is with THAT word? You don’t have to teach a child to ASSUME things should be fair. You don’t have to point out examples of unfairness to them ~ they come ready […]

Failure and Success

Failure and Success… Could it be that they are two sides of the same coin? Think about it.  As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an […]

What Is Vision?

 What is vision?What is a visionary?Why am I taking the time to ask these questions and blog about it? Well, because I believe there’s something absolutely vital and life-giving to be found here if you’re willing to track with me. I love watching or reading anything biographical, especially if the subjects of these biographies are […]

If you fail to plan then you’ll…

…buy and sell houses! Oh… what? That’s not how the saying goes? 🙂 Okay fine… I think it goes something like this: Failing to plan is planning to fail. -Alan Lakein Yes, I suppose that does have a bit more wisdom tucked in it.However. In my own life I have observed an obvious progression that […]

Holiday Cheer, Tidings of Joy, etc. etc. etc.

You know it’s coming right..   “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!”  Aren’t you excited?!  I mean who doesn’t love hours upon hours of cooking and baking for holiday parties and festive gatherings, and then soaking their hands in dishwater all evening long while cleaning up afterwards? I know every mom is anxious to put […]

“How Are You REALLY Doing?”

“How are you really doing?” I love this question. I think it’s one of the most wonderful questions in the world. It shows care, concern, and a desire to listen and really know a person. As adults we have all sorts of canned responses and pat-answers for frequent questions.  I’m not saying there isn’t a […]

Settling Into Durango

Well we made it to Durango, Colorado ~ all four of us together again!I wish I could take you along the journey day-by-day from this past month because in it you would see evidence of God’s grace, providence, and sovereign care time and again. BUT I know that neither you nor myself have the time […]

So We’re Moving? Again?

Three and a half years ago we shared with the world that we were moving from Alaska to Michigan in the post So We’re Moving? Well, it’s time to share the news again! We are moving to Durango, Colorado! Just four months ago this was not even on our radar but it’s amazing how quickly things change! […]