How To Redeem The Holidays With 3 Simple Questions

“How do we do things differently?” This was the question asked by several readers after the previous post, How To Ruin The Holidays in 3 Easy Steps. The truth is we don’t want to get sucked into the holiday vortex. In this post we’ll consider 3 simple questions that help navigate our way through the holiday hoopla towards what really matters.

I Could Care Less

“I could care less,” I said, looking in the mirror. I wasn’t expecting a response. But the words I heard were life-changing… Curious? Read on to discover the Truth that helps us combat Insecurity and Pride.

Show, Don’t Tell

I must have missed THAT day in school – the day they taught the golden rule of writing. But some lessons are better learned the hard way. Read on to discover what happens when the ink of this Golden Rule of Writing bleeds onto the rest of the pages of life…

Kindness That Interrupts

If love is kind then what does kindness look like? In this post you’ll see how kindness has the power to interrupt our lives and set into motion a whole new way of living…

Arriving & Abiding

I assumed by the time I was this age I’d have life figured out. I’d be serving others from a place of strength, wisdom, and grace. I would have arrived…