Life Lessons From The Trail

Living in beautiful Durango, I still pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming! The outdoor enthusiasm and athleticism create a unique culture in this town, not one that I naturally fit into. But when my favorite sport brings fresh perspectives to my faith then I’m all in!…

Dear Weary Gardener

Do you ever wonder if what you’re doing really matters to anyone? Ever grow weary in doing good, questioning if it even makes a difference? Do you sometimes think your time could be better spent elsewhere? I do. By noon last Tuesday I was ready to give up on the day. AND THEN! Wow…I was blown away when I discovered THIS… Be encouraged as you read on!

The Master Gardener

We plant. We weed. But who really brings the harvest? It’s a tricky question, isn’t it? It’s human nature to want credit for our labor. We kinda want people to know that we found seeds – we prepared soil – we planted – we watered – we weeded – we harvested. We all want to be seen as valuable, knowledgeable, and recognized for a job well done. There’s something we must understand in this labor of sowing and reaping. If we can grasp this – wow – we will harvest far more than we ever sowed! Here it is…

Spiritual Gardening For Dummies

How do you and I nurture our hearts in such a way that our lives become bountiful gardens that nourish, refresh, and entice others to stop and partake of the beauty? Yes weeding is necessary (as we discussed in the previous post), but beautiful gardens don’t exist simply because someone diligently tackles this chore. Something has to be PLANTED in order for something to grow – a seed has to be sown. Our heart is like soil. Fleshly attitudes are like weeds. What then are the seeds we need to plant in order to produce a harvest of righteousness?

If Life Is A Highway… You Might Want Directions

We all get caught in moments of feeling panicked by life racing around us like cars on freeways. God calls different people to different earthly destinations. He also equips us with unique gifts, talents, abilities, and personalities to get us there. Sadly, too often we look across the lanes – observing, criticizing, and comparing ourselves with other drivers – which only heightens our anxiety and self-doubt. There is hope for us directionally-challenged, map-illiterates…

Hoping Against Hope

Unexpected results, unforeseen circumstances, and worst-case scenarios can sometimes leave us feeling numb and confused. Finding the courage to express our desires to the Lord and the faith to believe in the impossible is a difficult but mature step in our faith in Christ.

My Nativity Feels Incomplete

I have no idea how many times I’ve read through Luke’s account of Jesus’s birth. I never tire of reading it, but this morning – before opening my Bible to the familiar Luke Chapter 2 – I asked God to awaken my understanding to help me see something new in this story. He answered that prayer. And I am teary-eyed as I share it with you today…