Thankfulness: Choosing To Look Beyond Circumstances

Thanksgiving gives opportunity to pause, think for a moment about all that we have… And give thanks. But, let’s be honest, this is always easy. When Paul exhorts us to “Give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you,” we sometimes want to respond back, “But what about…?” Because life is hard. Suffering comes. The pain is real. And then what? How do we give thanks in THESE circumstances?

Love: How Do We Get It?

We thirst for love. And we want to share it with others. But how? In this follow-up post to “What’s Love Got To Do With It?”, we discover how to both receive and give the thirst-quenching, life-giving water of genuine love.

Stop Trying To Be Like Jesus?

Stop trying to be like Jesus? I never thought I’d hear a pastor say THAT! It was counter-intuitive and risky… and exactly what we need to hear. Read on to discover the truth about where real life, joy, and pleasure are found!

Time To Gouge Out My Eye

As the new year ushers in its fresh start, with it comes opportunity to pause and ask ourselves: Is there anything that needs changing? Any areas of improvement I’d like to tackle?

I was surprised when a late night soak in the hot tub turned into a prayer that would become my New Year’s Resolution…to gouge out my eye.

Today I offer insight into three areas of sin I’ve personally struggled with during my decade affair with Facebook…

WHAT Just Happened?!

Everything came to a screeching halt when we received the text… the next three weeks were a whirlwind of elation and exhaustion! Now that it’s over we plop our weary bodies down, shake our heads in amazement, and with broad smiles sit back in wonder… WHAT just happened?!

Evidence of Things Unseen

Faith. Yes, it’s a belief and, yes, it’s a hope. But it’s so much more! Faith has a sort of substance to it. It doesn’t stay silent and it can’t remain hidden. Faith can’t help but expose the heart from which it flows, leaving behind evidence … of things unseen…

Spiritual Fruit: Fake or Real?

The tiny hand of my gardener in training slowly opens to reveal her treasure… And with it comes a revelation… The heart of a believer should be marked by certain qualities, “fruits of the Spirit” as the Apostle Paul puts it. But what happens when we go after the fruit instead of the Spirit? Is there a such thing as artificial fruit in the life of faith? If so, what’s the difference between that and the real deal?

There’s No Rathers

“There’s no rathers,” said my 4-year old self. I didn’t want to choose, I wanted BOTH! Choosing is hard for kids. It’s just as hard for adults! The desires change but the struggle remains. And sometimes Jesus makes us choose…