Please Pass The Salt


I’m not a foodie. But I get salt. I like salt.

Salt gives food a boost in flavor. What good is popcorn without salt? – or chips or french fries for that matter? Salt brings vegetables to life and works wonders on meats and sauces. And when it comes to dessert, salt is the yin to sugar’s yang. We all understand what salt does for our food – and we like it!

You don’t have to be a foodie to understand the language of Jesus in Matthew 9:50,

Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other.”

Jesus is speaking to His disciples in very simple terms here. But the message He communicated is profound, going far beyond flavor and seasoning.

Jesus begins by pointing out the most familiar quality: salt is good for seasoning. But notice He then pluralizes the word ‘quality’ as He goes on to say, “You must have the QUALITIES of salt among yourselves”. The implication is that there is more than one characteristic of salt that true disciples should exhibit, which caused me to pause and ask the Lord, “What are those other qualities?” What followed was both challenging and inspiring!

Here’s a few of the qualities He brought to mind…

Four Qualities of Salt

1. Salt is a Flavor Enhancer

We’ve already touched on this – salt adds flavor to our food. The goal in flavoring is to season food *just right*; too much and it becomes distasteful, too little and it’s bland. The same is true in every-day interactions. Our aim should be to enhance. Enhance our conversations and relationships with interesting and palatable flavors… in appropriate measures. With salt, a little goes a long way.

I have to remind myself of this often in my desire to help others “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). The keyword there is ‘taste’. Force-feeding is not effective ministry! Ice cream is delicious – but too much, too fast gives a person a headache.

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.Colossians 4:6

2. Salt is a Preservative

As a preservative in food salt prevents the growth of bacteria and mold. You and I, if we are disciples of Christ, are called to preserve faith by preventing the growth of sin and destruction. But how?

First, we look inward to examine our own hearts. I have to ask MYSELF first:

Am I preserving MY faith?
Am I remaining salty?
Am I preventing sin from growing inside MY heart and mind?

If not, then I need to hear Jesus’s warning, “If salt loses its flavor then how do you make it salty again?”

Second, looking outward, I have a role to play in preserving the faith of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Truth be told, I don’t really want this job. Because working to preserve someone else’s faith means dealing with their mold and bacteria. It’s gross. It’s ugly. It stinks. And it might make ME sick too!

Even so, God-inspired love rises to the challenge and works to prevent the deterioration of a person’s faith and spiritual vitality.

Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God.Hebrews 3:12-13

3. Salt is a Cleansing and Healing Agent

Mix salt in water and you have an all-natural, wonder-working miracle potion! (Not kidding – Google it!) Properly consumed it can neutralize and reduce acidity levels in your body, reducing the risk of life-threatening diseases. As a colon-cleanse it removes toxins and boosts digestion. Added to a bath, salt can cure eczema, psoriasis, rashes, and acne and relieve muscle pain, arthritis, even migraines!

Who knew? Well, apparently the Creator. And He points to His own simple creation of salt and says to you and I, “Go be like THAT!”…

…Be My agent of healing to the hurting and broken…
…Bring My cleansing power to the sick and suffering…
…Bathe people in My presence and bring relief to their dry bones and sore muscles.

But again, full disclosure here: being the salt of the earth scares me. Because the last thing I want to be is salt in someone’s wound. But salt has that affect – it stings. And unfortunately, I’ve been that girl. I’ve hurt when I intended to help.

So, yes, salt by itself can be harmful. But listen: dissolve salt in water and now you have a solution with healing power. The same is true for believers: you and I are most effective in helping others when we dissolve ourselves in Christ, the Living Water.

Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.” Ephesians 5:25-26

4. Salt Adds Buoyancy

If you’ve ever swam in water with high salinity then you understand the felt difference. Salt increases the density of water making it easier to float. The greater the salt content the greater the buoyancy… and who doesn’t need a little buoyancy in life?!

Have you had the pleasure of spending time with someone who naturally lifts your spirit and bolsters your confidence? I treasure these people! Being around them makes life feel less weighty. For a moment I float a bit easier. I leave refreshed and strengthened. These kind of people are addicting! We need them. And we need to BE them.

Every day offers us an opportunity to help someone swim a little easier. Sometimes this means lifting their burden through helping and serving. Other times, it’s just a matter of listening and asking questions that show you care. A tender hug speaks volumes. In every conversation there’s the chance to encourage and affirm. When we do these things we’re acting as salt, adding buoyancy to a person’s life!

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9,12

Perhaps you’ve thought of another quality of salt that hasn’t been mentioned. If so, please leave a comment and share your thoughts! For now, let’s close in prayer:

Lord Jesus,
We hear your words.
You want us to be salt-of-the-earth kind of people.
And yet, God, we are incapable of doing this in our own strength.
And so we pray that your Spirit would rule in our hearts, so that your purposes would be lived out in our lives.
Teach us how to flavor our relationships in ways that enhance the experience.
Help us to preserve our faith and the faith of our brothers and sisters by purposing to fight against sin and unbelief.
Show us how to cautiously be agents of healing and cleansing as we immerse ourselves in You, the Living Water.
And, Father, may we be people who lighten the load, lift the burden, and add buoyancy to people’s lives.
To the glory of Your Name,

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fullsizeoutput_cb8fNiki Schemanski is a wife of nineteen years, homeschooling mother of three children, and part-time Doula. Her love of singing led to nation-wide travel and performance as a teenager. Later in life, that passion was joined with a love for Jesus and she became a worship pastor, a role she has served in both professionally and voluntarily for sixteen years. She and her family reside in Durango, Colorado. (Read More: About The Author)

One thought on “Please Pass The Salt

  1. Nya

    I made my Mom, (Niki) bath salt the other day and she used it in her bath which soothed her headache. She is the best mom in the world! Please read and subscribe!
    ~Bugaboo (Nya)

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