You talk about it for 9 months… you dream about what it will be like when that day finally comes… you plan for it in every way possible beforehand!

That was Trek’s due date, and as I sit here today on August 4th I can’t help but feel overwhelmingly blessed as I look into the face of my littlest TWO WEEK OLD blessing. It feels like bonus time on planet earth with him!

Trek’s early arrival didn’t catch us by surprise, as I’d had several signs of preterm labor starting at 32 weeks and made a few trips to the hospital only to be sent home after getting contractions under control.
In fact, Papa is the one who drove me to the hospital after my water broke while Ty raced from work to meet us there!
One hour after arriving at the hospital little Trek was born!
Words fail me when it comes to
trying to express the love and joy that comes instantaneously with each
baby God has blessed us with…
and I’m sure most of you parent-readers know exactly what I’m talking about.
There’s just nothing like holding your newborn for the first time.
Life at home = lots of snuggling!
2 Weeks Old
Trek is an absolutely delightful baby. He is full of smiles already and seems to really observe and take in the world around him. He is eating and growing very well (which is bittersweet because we are LOVING his tiny-ness!)
Ty and I are simply over-the-top crazy in love with this precious gift of a son and honestly feel undeservedly blessed by all that God has given us.