Thunder & Lightning

It’s 3am. I’m awake. Not by choice. The thunder woke me up. And I don’t mean woke me up gently. It gave little warning. The rumble rose in volume so quickly, as if a freight train had derailed straight towards my house, then with one house-shaking explosion followed by another I felt it’s force. I […]

Trash or Treasure?

I love that God has placed a few women in my life who seem to have a knack for turning junky old garage sale finds into beautiful pieces of furniture and decor that you’d pay hundreds for in some cutsie downtown furniture store! I am by no means great at doing this myself, but I […]

Like Mother Like Daughter

Tuesday was a rough day at the Dr.’s office. The girls both had their yearly well-child exams and immunizations. Both were quite excited to see Dr. Rhonda and give her the pictures they’d colored for her! …BUT…  all that changed when the needle came out. (click to continue) Now, my precious Nya bug is a […]

The Least of These

 We’ve all seen commercials that portray hungry children with dirty faces, barely clothed at times, with bones protruding from their bodies from starvation. It’s easy to dismiss them for several reasons. Sometimes we think the problem is so big and we can’t possibly make a difference so why bother. Sometimes the physical distance between the […]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!  It’s been a joyous week for the Schemanski family, even though Ty is in Alaska and us girls are in Michigan. The joy of the resurrection fills our hearts with gladness and praise no matter where we are, but we do look forward to being together in a couple weeks! In the mean […]


This week Niki and I got our first round of vaccinations for our time in Kenya! We’re getting excited to take an exploratory trip to the Belwop orphanage to see what kind of work we’ll be doing when we move over there! Click to see more… I don’t know that we were ready for all […]

The Face of Repentance

 Posted by: Niki (approved by Ty) 😉 What does repentance look like?  What IS repentance? If you’re a Christian you’ve probably heard this word in sermons, maybe even used it in conversation, or consider it something you did in order to receive salvation.  Or maybe you’ve never stopped to consider it at all… repentance.  By […]

Our Final Weeks in Alaska

Hello Blogging Friends! Yes, we know it’s been FAR TOO LONG in between posts! But, with a couple hours to spare I’ve sat down to try and recap the most recent move from Alaska to Michigan. We sold our house to a lovely couple who had wanted the house since August but needed to 1) […]

Poetical Prayers

At your feet I humbly bow.Take this heart and heal it now.In Your strength I am complete.Your grace is shown when I am weak. Holy Spirit wash over me.Empower me in time of need.Cause my faith to be renewed.Above all else to treasure you. The joy in Christ you grant so free,does not lack, or […]