Well we made it to Durango, Colorado ~ all four of us together again!I wish I could take you along the journey day-by-day from this past month because in it you would see evidence of God’s grace, providence, and sovereign care time and again. BUT I know that neither you nor myself have the time […]
Girls WILL be G-I-R-L-S!
I absolutely L-O-V-E having girls! I love my two on Earth and can’t wait to meet the one we have in Heaven! Girls are… well… sugar and spice and everything nice!…+ a sprinkle of drama here and there (but who doesn’t love a good drama at times, right)Our little Elliana Grace turned four this past […]
Independence or In Dependence?
The 4th of July ~ Independence Day Fireworks, Festivities, and good ol’ Fun! (click here to continue with pics) St. Joe is such a fun little festive town ~ I’m pretty sure the population quadrupled on this particular holiday! Walking down to Silver Beach for an evening of fun in 100-degree temps! … and yes […]
Mount Redoubt, Bring It On…
Well as I’m sure you’re all aware, Mount Redoubt finally blew yesterday and is continuing to do so. I wish that I could have got some pics of it but as circumstances had it she came like a theif in the night. But, that doesn’t mean that we’re not prepared, I think the following speaks for itself… […]