So I’m pretty sure I don’t totally understand the whole concept of blogging and what it’s all for… so forgive me if I don’t necessarily follow the right blogging etiquette. The last time I tried to blog I uploaded 26 pictures (which didn’t end up loading correctly, and why not?) and Ty informed me that […]
Subscribing To Schemanski Shenanigans
This post isn’t necessarily witty or interesting but it may be useful for the uninitiated in the blogoshpere. (if you don’t know what blog even means it’s short for: weB LOG) Since I have a feeling that the majority of our readers are the aformentioned ‘uninitiated’ I’ve tried to make keeping up with the Schemanski’s […]
Obligitory First Post
Of course here I sit all excited about my first blog on a new page, knowing full well that this blog will end up like the others I’ve started… Oh, if I only had discipline!