Super Nya!

Most superheroes have fancy costumes, but some are so cute they don’t need one at all… Today Niki and I were blessed with the presence of our favorite super hero in our house and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a few photo’s. This is really my first foray into black and white photo’s with my new camera and I have to say it’s really fun. It’s interesting how a lack of color can actually bring more depth to a photograph. 

5 thoughts on “Super Nya!

  1. So if I get the story line correct:
    1. Her partner, Nefarious Niki helps her get her super powers
    2. She goes out and uses her powers for good, or for couch hopping, which is sometimes bad
    3. Nefarious Niki turns evil and confronts her
    4. An epic battle ensues, apparently a fun epic battle.
    5. Super Nya is defeated by her evil partner

    I think it is ready for the big screen, especially if you have director Ty edit in the point when her partner, Nefarious Niki goes bad after an incident with bad gas at the dentist’s office. We can than empathize with her a little while we still root for Super Nya.
    We should talk…….

  2. My girls were concerned that Super Nya bit the dust in the last photo. I hope there is another installment to make sure she is OK. Great pictures. I really like the first picture, the cheesy grin is a classic. ~Erik

  3. Jolie

    LOVE the photos – especially the confident smile in the first one… However, I have to say the super “N” and star were even more impressive in real life and color! Go Nya!
    love from Jolie!

  4. Oh my goodness! How cute.

  5. ty, you really should look in to online photo contests…there are quite a few out there and these photos are so great!

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