At your feet I humbly bow.Take this heart and heal it now.In Your strength I am complete.Your grace is shown when I am weak.
Holy Spirit wash over me.Empower me in time of need.Cause my faith to be renewed.Above all else to treasure you.
The joy in Christ you grant so free,does not lack, or want, or need.In this joy I’m called to stand.Lord please grant what you command.
-Ty Schemanski
So I definitely don’t claim to be a poet but in the last couple months during my prayer times I’ve had a couple of these little phrases pop into my mind and it just seems good to get them written down. I don’t presume them to be any good but I figure that I may as well share them – who knows maybe someone will resonate. I have to give credit where credit is due on the last two lines of this poem. Augustine wrote a prayer in his Confessions that has spoken to me and was the basis for these lines: “Grant what Thou commandest, and command what Thou dost desire.”